Playwriting Towards Performance (Sundays 4-6pm) spring


SPRING SESSION: March 2 - April 19

Class Description:

Allowing for some flexibility, emphasis in meetings would be on the short dramatic form (from sketch to one-act), building towards the longer "full-length", usually, two-act form. Setting/situation, character, plot, and theme being major factors. Select work-in-progress will be read aloud, with some guidance as how best to interpret and act your own writing, Use of multi media -- drawing/fine art, music -- will be encouraged to bolster stimulation. As well as a strong goal, intent, to perform, to some public audience, play material from the workshop experience. At least, as a staged reading. The leader will offer prompts, and exercises involving memory and observation, in given sessions.

Teacher Info:

William Burrison - “I am a three time PA Arts Council award winning playwright; also poet, fiction writer, journalist. I have varied experience with new play development and theater groups, also as a college and high school teacher of creative writing and world literature. I have written many different types of plays, hoping to be both entertaining and thought provoking, without belaboring the obvious or "preaching to the choir." For me, as a teacher, and long time student, a "workshop" means doing actual work, exercises, in session. And being open to the participants interests, wants, different talents.”

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SPRING SESSION: March 2 - April 19

Class Description:

Allowing for some flexibility, emphasis in meetings would be on the short dramatic form (from sketch to one-act), building towards the longer "full-length", usually, two-act form. Setting/situation, character, plot, and theme being major factors. Select work-in-progress will be read aloud, with some guidance as how best to interpret and act your own writing, Use of multi media -- drawing/fine art, music -- will be encouraged to bolster stimulation. As well as a strong goal, intent, to perform, to some public audience, play material from the workshop experience. At least, as a staged reading. The leader will offer prompts, and exercises involving memory and observation, in given sessions.

Teacher Info:

William Burrison - “I am a three time PA Arts Council award winning playwright; also poet, fiction writer, journalist. I have varied experience with new play development and theater groups, also as a college and high school teacher of creative writing and world literature. I have written many different types of plays, hoping to be both entertaining and thought provoking, without belaboring the obvious or "preaching to the choir." For me, as a teacher, and long time student, a "workshop" means doing actual work, exercises, in session. And being open to the participants interests, wants, different talents.”

SPRING SESSION: March 2 - April 19

Class Description:

Allowing for some flexibility, emphasis in meetings would be on the short dramatic form (from sketch to one-act), building towards the longer "full-length", usually, two-act form. Setting/situation, character, plot, and theme being major factors. Select work-in-progress will be read aloud, with some guidance as how best to interpret and act your own writing, Use of multi media -- drawing/fine art, music -- will be encouraged to bolster stimulation. As well as a strong goal, intent, to perform, to some public audience, play material from the workshop experience. At least, as a staged reading. The leader will offer prompts, and exercises involving memory and observation, in given sessions.

Teacher Info:

William Burrison - “I am a three time PA Arts Council award winning playwright; also poet, fiction writer, journalist. I have varied experience with new play development and theater groups, also as a college and high school teacher of creative writing and world literature. I have written many different types of plays, hoping to be both entertaining and thought provoking, without belaboring the obvious or "preaching to the choir." For me, as a teacher, and long time student, a "workshop" means doing actual work, exercises, in session. And being open to the participants interests, wants, different talents.”

Expressive Realism in Figure Drawing (Thursdays 4-6pm) spring
The Neutral Camera: Finding Your Perspective in Photography (Saturdays 12-2pm) spring
Drawing 2 (Wednesdays 6-8pm) spring
Saturday Hand & Wheel (Saturdays 10am-1pm) spring
Monday Hand & Wheel (Mondays 6-9pm) spring
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