Finding Your Voice: A Journey to Authentic Vocal Expression (Wednesdays 6-8pm)



(No classes the week of Thanksgiving)

Class Description:

A vocal expression class designed to help students find their authentic voice through creative expression. Each week focuses on different aspects of vocal and creative development, encouraging participants to explore and express their true selves.

Teacher Info:

Jahwula Seapoe is a Singer-songwriter and Vocal Mentor who mentors vocalists eager to hit the stage but overwhelmed with stage fright, who go from afraid to brave, having confidence when they hit the stage. The West-Philadelphia-raised Artist, Jahwula, is passionate about helping vocalists find their authentic voices by bridging the gap between vocal development and wellness. Jahwula helps singers find clarity in their vocal strengths by developing a consistent practice routine and optimizing their overall vocal performance.

Register For Classes


(No classes the week of Thanksgiving)

Class Description:

A vocal expression class designed to help students find their authentic voice through creative expression. Each week focuses on different aspects of vocal and creative development, encouraging participants to explore and express their true selves.

Teacher Info:

Jahwula Seapoe is a Singer-songwriter and Vocal Mentor who mentors vocalists eager to hit the stage but overwhelmed with stage fright, who go from afraid to brave, having confidence when they hit the stage. The West-Philadelphia-raised Artist, Jahwula, is passionate about helping vocalists find their authentic voices by bridging the gap between vocal development and wellness. Jahwula helps singers find clarity in their vocal strengths by developing a consistent practice routine and optimizing their overall vocal performance.


(No classes the week of Thanksgiving)

Class Description:

A vocal expression class designed to help students find their authentic voice through creative expression. Each week focuses on different aspects of vocal and creative development, encouraging participants to explore and express their true selves.

Teacher Info:

Jahwula Seapoe is a Singer-songwriter and Vocal Mentor who mentors vocalists eager to hit the stage but overwhelmed with stage fright, who go from afraid to brave, having confidence when they hit the stage. The West-Philadelphia-raised Artist, Jahwula, is passionate about helping vocalists find their authentic voices by bridging the gap between vocal development and wellness. Jahwula helps singers find clarity in their vocal strengths by developing a consistent practice routine and optimizing their overall vocal performance.