Dance Your Inner Fire (Fridays 6-8pm)



(No classes the week of Thanksgiving)

Class Description:

Would you like to find more freedom through movement? Come experience how dance is a natural way to express your spirit and to deepen in community. In this series, you will transform stuckness into joy, feeling disconnected into belonging and feeling scattered into inner rhythm. Dance Your Inner Fire draws inspiration from the dances of the Romani people, nomadic peoples with a vast tradition of movement and from the concept of duende, the inner fire. These dances are earthy and liberatory ~ a celebration of life and spirit in trying times! This movement practice is an invitation to strengthen your own embodiment and find a rich source of inner and outer connection. At times deeply meditative, at times high energy, we will invite duende into our dance and into our lives. Moving together will inspire you to lift your energy and mood, to develop a sense of community through movement and to find more musicality in your dance. The class will comprise three main parts: waking up the body through stretching and rhythm practice, dance games to playfully engage with others and group co-created movement. There is absolutely no experience required, and the class is a welcoming space for people at all levels of ability.

Teacher Info:

Natanya is a movement explorer, always discovering something new. The past two years, she lived in Sicily studying folkloric dances from Southern Italy and the Romani people. She has a BA in dance from Smith College and has spent countless hours in intuitive movement practice, discovering what is natural, spontaneous and free. She believes that dance lives deeply in our bones and cellular memory and that the real work is to uncover what has been there all along. Knowing that dance is an integral part of culture-making, she is excited to be facilitating community movement classes. Connect with her at

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(No classes the week of Thanksgiving)

Class Description:

Would you like to find more freedom through movement? Come experience how dance is a natural way to express your spirit and to deepen in community. In this series, you will transform stuckness into joy, feeling disconnected into belonging and feeling scattered into inner rhythm. Dance Your Inner Fire draws inspiration from the dances of the Romani people, nomadic peoples with a vast tradition of movement and from the concept of duende, the inner fire. These dances are earthy and liberatory ~ a celebration of life and spirit in trying times! This movement practice is an invitation to strengthen your own embodiment and find a rich source of inner and outer connection. At times deeply meditative, at times high energy, we will invite duende into our dance and into our lives. Moving together will inspire you to lift your energy and mood, to develop a sense of community through movement and to find more musicality in your dance. The class will comprise three main parts: waking up the body through stretching and rhythm practice, dance games to playfully engage with others and group co-created movement. There is absolutely no experience required, and the class is a welcoming space for people at all levels of ability.

Teacher Info:

Natanya is a movement explorer, always discovering something new. The past two years, she lived in Sicily studying folkloric dances from Southern Italy and the Romani people. She has a BA in dance from Smith College and has spent countless hours in intuitive movement practice, discovering what is natural, spontaneous and free. She believes that dance lives deeply in our bones and cellular memory and that the real work is to uncover what has been there all along. Knowing that dance is an integral part of culture-making, she is excited to be facilitating community movement classes. Connect with her at


(No classes the week of Thanksgiving)

Class Description:

Would you like to find more freedom through movement? Come experience how dance is a natural way to express your spirit and to deepen in community. In this series, you will transform stuckness into joy, feeling disconnected into belonging and feeling scattered into inner rhythm. Dance Your Inner Fire draws inspiration from the dances of the Romani people, nomadic peoples with a vast tradition of movement and from the concept of duende, the inner fire. These dances are earthy and liberatory ~ a celebration of life and spirit in trying times! This movement practice is an invitation to strengthen your own embodiment and find a rich source of inner and outer connection. At times deeply meditative, at times high energy, we will invite duende into our dance and into our lives. Moving together will inspire you to lift your energy and mood, to develop a sense of community through movement and to find more musicality in your dance. The class will comprise three main parts: waking up the body through stretching and rhythm practice, dance games to playfully engage with others and group co-created movement. There is absolutely no experience required, and the class is a welcoming space for people at all levels of ability.

Teacher Info:

Natanya is a movement explorer, always discovering something new. The past two years, she lived in Sicily studying folkloric dances from Southern Italy and the Romani people. She has a BA in dance from Smith College and has spent countless hours in intuitive movement practice, discovering what is natural, spontaneous and free. She believes that dance lives deeply in our bones and cellular memory and that the real work is to uncover what has been there all along. Knowing that dance is an integral part of culture-making, she is excited to be facilitating community movement classes. Connect with her at